Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Culture of Constant Contradictions

Ladies, Remember Men Are Dangerous. Now Share A Bathroom With Them And Don't Carry A Gun.

It's important, I'm told, to be respectful of opposing beliefs. We mustn't be dismissive of viewpoints that differ from our own. We mustn't condescend.
What about viewpoints that differ from ... themselves? For the Left that's OK because Shut UP!

Others by Matt Walsh:
WALSH: This Transgender Person Allegedly Raped A Girl In A Bathroom. Leftists Still Want Men In The Women's Room.

WALSH: We're Still Funding The Abortion Industry, But Let's Be Mad About Trophy Hunting Instead

WALSH: If Kids Can't Consent, Stop Pushing Sex And Birth Control On Them In Grade School
Well, the only absolute principles that the Left adheres to are 1) that rape is OK if it's done by a Leftist who supports women's rights, or a Leftist Victimhood Class member; 2) Abortion is a First Principle of Leftist eradicationalism; 3) kids and sex - Yum - when does the plane to pedophile island leave? 4) Contradictions are a Right Wing Conspiracy Theory.

1 comment:

CJ said...

And of course the core contradiction:

1. There are no inherent differences between the sexes, or races. All sexes and races have exactly the same minds, with precisely identical distributions of traits, aptitudes, interests, and motivations; pay gaps, STEM gender gaps, glass ceilings, racial imbalances - it’s all down to systemic sexism and racism. And yet,

2. Demographic diversity is critical to business and society, because the radical differences in perspective, backgrounds and points of view of the different races and sexes are necessary to avoid groupthink.

But 1) and 2) are diametrically opposed. 1) is predicated on demographic homogeneity, 2) on demographic diversity. If 1) is true, there is no case to be made for diversity. If 2) is true, then inequalities of outcome are inevitable. Either psychological interchangeability makes diversity meaningless, or psychological divergences make inequality of outcome unavoidable. You cannot have both; you must pick one.

You can’t have equality