Wednesday, July 19, 2017

PUSHBACK, Delayed but Probably Permanently Intense.

They did not expect the Deplorables to take offense; now the Deplorables are ON Offense.
BACKLASH: RIGHT WING TWITTER BEGINS DIGGING FOR DIRT ON CNN EMPLOYEES. “This is not the world I want to live in,” one of Ace of Spades’ co-bloggers writes, and I concur. “When I first saw that they’d embarrassed this guy, I laughed. I thought he was an on-air personality and at least a minor political player. After I realized he was just an editor, I cringed a little. I can’t bring myself to endorse it, but neither can I condemn it.
This is what they’ve done to time and time again us and they won’t stop.
What alternative is there?… This is only the beginning of an ever-growing pushback, one that’s only going to get nastier and more ugly. And
everything that happens is on them. This is the rotten, worm infested harvest they have sown and they’re going to be choking on it for some time to come.
As Ace himself warned the media last November, a week after Trump won, this backlash was coming. “You dominate this culture. You made the rules. You now get to live in the savage world you made brick-by-brick, media…The media loves to ride the tiger of Mob Hatred when that tiger is devouring a plebeian. Well, sometimes the tiger bucks, old chaps.
Related: Regarding their actual news coverage, or the lack thereof,
“Our Corrupt Media Is Now Haunted By All The Precedents They Set While Colluding With Obama.”
Ed Driscoll at Instapundit

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